Monday, November 17, 2008

BTW I Hate The Texas State Court System.

No offense to Michelle but Im pissed about my cousin Jackie's trial. The lady that hit her, Betty Monroe, got off with 10 years probation and has to wear an ankle bracelet that detects her BAC. I'm pissed. She deserves jailtime. She was drunk at 8am driving down a closed highway. Really?! Not cool at all. I mean people drive a little tipsy all the time but not at 8am on a closed highway.

Anyways, on a lighter note. I got my new car on Friday. Love it. So cute && its black. We got the Pioneer upgraded radio. I can control my IPod thru my steering wheel! It's really comfy too.

Work is stupid && i have to work 3 fridays in a row. Not too pleased but whatever.

Oh and a big congrats to Clay for taking AVON to Grand Nationals and winning!!

Well Im off to do my 15 minutes of real, actual work for the day.

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